The View From Here – November 2017

November is the time when our congregation gathers for its Annual Meeting. At this meeting, there are written reports from the staff and all of the Committee chairs available (please read them!), the budget for the next fiscal year is approved or amended, and Officers and Trustees of the congregation are voted on. Please make every effort to attend this meeting, which will be held after worship on Nov 19th (Sunday before Thanksgiving).

At some of the protests and rallies I attended this past year, one of my favorite Call and Response chants was: “What does Democracy look like? This is what Democracy looks like!” We are a congregation that believes and practices democracy. Please come and exercise the right and privilege you are given as a member of this congregation.

To make it even more appealing, please know that the speaker that received the most accolades during my sabbatical will be with me that Sunday. Rev Steven Law (former UCC minister) and I will be reflecting on one of the parables of Jesus.

Thanksgiving is coming our way and I am so grateful for so many things this year: the depth and breadth of so many members and friends of this congregation. I have learned so much about living and dying from you! I am also grateful that I live in New England. A few months ago, UUSR member Roberta Stewart and I were talking and she started listing all of the weather calamities that we don’t have to worry about, and I have added some of my own: We don’t have earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires that destroy 1000s of homes in a New York minute. Flooding is rare, as are hurricanes, hailstones, and heat waves of 105 degrees for weeks at a time.

Here in New England, we are exposed to the breathtaking beauty of the Spring and autumn, the abundance and fun of the summer, and the quiet and restfulness of the winter.

I like to remind myself of all that I am grateful for because November is very dark and I am prone to a dip in mood. This really works! Try it and you’ll see…
See you at 4 Cleaves Street!
Rev Susan