A Conversation on Death

Sponsored by the UUSR Adult Education Committee


The Adult Education Committee has been asked periodically in past years to hold discussions on death. After a great deal of exploration of what others are doing in this area, and after a visit to what is called a Death Café in Andover by a few of us from UUSR, we have decided to hold a conversation on death of our own.

Although the name may sound a little macabre, Death Cafés (conversations on death) are springing up all over North America and Europe to discuss this often-taboo subject, because people do want to talk about it.

These events last for one or two hours to give participants an opportunity to discuss questions and concerns about death. Most people go to one event, but some attend two or more. The founder of the international Death Café Movement, Jon Underwood, says, “When people sit down to talk about death, the pretense kind of falls away, and people talk very openly and authentically. And they say things in front of strangers which are really profound and beautiful.”

It is important to note that these conversations are not for grief counseling or management for someone who has recently lost a loved one, but rather an opportunity to talk to whatever degree you are comfortable about your personal thoughts concerning death. Our conversation on death are facilitated by a UUSR member or friend who will honor all persons’ own views and confidentiality.

For information about upcoming Death Cafés, please contact us to sign up for our weekly eBlasts. These eBlasts have up-to-date information on upcoming Death Cafés and other events. If you do not wish to receive the newsletters, please check this page for updates on the next Death Café.

To see a NPR Article about Death Cafés go to: //www.npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php?storyId=173808940.

To learn about Death Cafés and how they work, go to deathcafe.com

Another article that may be of interest from the New York Times: https://newoldage.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/16/death-be-not-decaffeinated-over-cup-groups-face-taboo/?_r=1