Become a Member

Signing the Membership Book is the beginning of a new relationship. As a member of this congregation you are a full participant in our on-going ministry. We urge you to get involved in ways that both nourish you spiritually and challenge you to give of yourself for others. How you do that is up to you; but know that we are on this spiritual journey together, so you are not alone. We encourage members to participate in those aspects of congregational life that best meet their needs and allow opportunities for individual growth and community service. We welcome you and the unique gifts you bring to share with this congregation and our larger denominational efforts.
Usually, this is how one becomes a member of our community:
- Visitors complete the yellow card at the Welcome Table in the Vestry and pick up a packet (white bag). In this packet, there is our Mission Statement, an overview of what we do, and the Principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. We hope they match with your own beliefs and inclinations.
- Once you decide you would like to join us, ask to meet with the minister.
- Sign the Membership Book when you are ready. Another member will pair with you to mentor you through your first months and answer any questions you might have along the way.
- Make a financial pledge to support the work of this congregation.
- Participate in a New Member Sunday Service. During this service, your mentor introduces you to the congregation and all members and friends welcome you.