Errors in Beauty

Guest minister, Rev Ed Lynn, will be gracing our pulpit once again. From Ed: “Spring is a beautiful time of year in New England. As a minister and architect, I know we are often advised to slow down and smell( and see) the roses, but do we really see? Do we make mistakes? Is that possible?”


The Reverend Edwin Lynn is Minister Emeritus of the Northshore Unitarian Universalist Church in Danvers, MA, where he had served the congregation for 33 years. He is a recipient of a first place prize in the Unitarian Universalist Borden Sermon Awards, has served on the Borden Sermon Award jury, and for many years had been a member of the Billings Preaching Prize jury at the Harvard Divinity School. In 1986 Harvard University awarded him a Merrill Fellowship, after which he served there as both Denominational Counselor to Unitarian Universalist students and as a Visiting Lecturer for 22 years, which included teaching the course “Unitarian Universalist Polity and Practices.” In addition to his serving as a Unitarian Universalist minister for over 40 years, Reverend Lynn is also a registered architect. He is the author of the book Tired Dragons: Adapting Church Architecture to Changing Needs and has served as a lecturer and architectural consultant to over 70 Unitarian Universalist churches. His newest book, published in 2011, is Shore Lines: Life Lessons FromThe Sea, in which he creates a connection between the seaside environment and human experience through imagery and story. He is a graduate cum laude of the Syracuse University School of Architecture and received his MDiv from the Thomas Starr King School for the Ministry. Rev. Lynn and his wife, Marj, live in the coastal town of Ipswich, Massachusetts.