Building and Grounds: Mary Francis (Chair)–
- Our responsibility is to care for and maintain the building and grounds. We attend to what enhances the worship experience and building use for members as well as how the space may be better utilized by the larger community in order to further the church’s vision statement.
Annual Giving: Board of Directors
Caring: Rev Susan Moran current contact–
- Cares for and about the members of our society. Assists minister with pastoral care by letting the minister know when a member might find it helpful to talk, or would like a visit at home/hospital/nursing home. With permission, we alert members of the congregation about those in need or who would like visitors, flowers, or a telephone call. Cards of caring, joy or concern are sent. (Memorial Service Chairs: Ginny Cohen & Jane Sherburne)
Climate Action: Jenny Amory & Carole Horwitz (Co-Chairs)–
- The mission is to educate our congregation and community and take action on climate and environmental justice issues. The group typically meets bi-weekly and welcomes new members. Click here for more information about the group.
Communications: No committee at this time but definitely a need – reach out to our Minister, a Board Member or Congregational Administrator if you are interested in leading this committee and finding volunteers.
- Promote our events/offerings inside and outside of the church (programs, building, staff and worship experience) with brochures, vision statement, press, website, signs, UUSR email, and interfaith email.
Finance: Jenny Amory (Chair)
- Comprised of 3 voting members appointed by the Board (Treasurer and Administrator serve as non-voting ex officio members). Oversee all financial affairs, develop and submit proposed annual operating budget to the Board of Trustees, review financial statements, recommend and review short- and long-term financial goals and suggest strategies for achieving them, provide support to the Administrator and the Treasurer, and initiate and respond to financial questions and concerns from the Board and/or members of the Congregation.
Thrift Shop: Lorna Holland & Caryl Johnson (Co-Chairs)– – click on Thrift Shop in upper right corner for more information
Membership: Donna Denio (Co-Chairs)–
- Welcome visitors and strengthen relationships among new and older members of the church. Help visitors feel at home in our church, introduce them to members during Sunday coffee hour and invite them to church events. We send information packets on Unitarian Universalism, our church community and a newsletter to visitors who complete a yellow Visitor’s Card. Our biannual New UU Class helps interested visitors understand how the church works, investigate their personal theology and learn more about UUism. Our Mentoring Program helps integrate new members into our community.
Religious Education: Cindy Sharfstein (Chair)–
- Our goal is to provide excellent, informative and nurturing lifespan religious education for church members, friends, and their families. Through a variety of activities (class time, drama and worship), adults and children work in intergenerational or age specific groups to develop personally and to explore UU principles. Click here for more information.
Social Justice: Susan Beattie & Joe Rukeyser–
- Our denomination and congregation have an active, strong, and deeply rooted commitment to social justice. Through education, service, advocacy, direct action, and witness our Social Action Committee encourages and supports members of the congregation in active involvement with justice issues of community and global urgency and concern. To learn about our work and how to become involved, please click here.
Worship: Roberta Stewart (Chair)–
- Our mission is to provide assistance, support and good counsel to the minister regarding worship; provide high quality and meaningful services aligned with our UU principles when the minister is not in the pulpit, and to enrich the overall worship experience at the church.
Committee on Ministry: Rev Susan Moran (Facilitator)
- One of our main functions is to hear members’ concerns, comments and compliments regarding all aspects of congregational life. Our purview includes ‘ministry’ in all forms, by the settled minister and others. We meet monthly with the minister to discuss these and other issues.
Council: Mary Francis (Chair)–
- This working group of Committee Chairs strives to match talents to tasks, nurture leadership skills and serve as a vehicle of communication for setting the calendar for our church year.