This Sunday, you are invited to what we hope will be the first of a new series, called Getting to Know our Neighbors. Dr Daniel Hoch, UUSR Board member, has agreed to be the first in this series. He is an MD, PhD, neurologist at Mass General Hospital, and Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School. Apart from the introductory questions, Dan will be focusing on these questions:

1) What is the most exciting/interesting fact about the brain that has been discovered in the last year/last 5 years/ last 10 years?  i.e. When you look back at your career, what does the highlight reel look like?

2) Does the brain know the difference between a thought and a feeling? How does the brain distinguish between the two? Can this split be traced evolutionarily speaking?

As a special treat, Marina Evans will be at UUSR to provide music.  Our own beloved Mariella Bozzuto will also be on hand to sing for us.

Please join us in real life or via Zoom.