Guest Minister: Rev Ed Lynn
Rev Ed Lynn, Minister Emeritus of the Danvers UU church, and popular preacher at the UUSR, will be in the pulpit. Laura Evans will be our musical guest.
Rev Ed Lynn, Minister Emeritus of the Danvers UU church, and popular preacher at the UUSR, will be in the pulpit. Laura Evans will be our musical guest.
Rev Ed Lynn, Minister Emeritus of the Northshore UU Church, and popular preacher, will be back in the pulpit talking about The Ax Handle, The Life Raft and the Congregation. As the fall church year begins, it is a good time to reflect upon what … read more.
Rev. Edwin Lynn, Minister Emeritus of the Northshore Unitarian Universalist Church in Danvers, will be our guest minister. Rev. Lynn is a recipient of a first place prize in the Unitarian Universalist Borden Sermon Awards. He will be preaching Whales, Breathing, Logging: Seeking the Spiritual. Laura … read more.
Guest minister, Rev Ed Lynn, will be gracing our pulpit once again. From Ed: “Spring is a beautiful time of year in New England. As a minister and architect, I know we are often advised to slow down and smell( and see) the roses, but … read more.