Speaker: Rev Susan Moran

How to Give a Blessing

In the Christian calendar, now is the time of Advent, or time of waiting for the birth of Jesus. Advent covers the time starting on the 4th Sunday before Christmas, which was Nov 27th. Thus, we will be lighting two Advent Candles on Dec 4th, representing Hope … read more.

Thanksgiving Service

Thanksgiving is a time to count our blessings and express our gratitude. There will be audience participation during this service; please be thinking about what you are grateful for. Laura Evans and the choir will be our musical guests.

Going Forward Together*

Beloved Friends, it has been a long week. I think it lasted 3 months. I am sure that you have heard and read and spoken a lot of words. So let’s start with some quiet time. I want you to settle in your seat, and get comfortable, … read more.

The Hardest Choice*

In a couple of days we will know for sure who our next President will be. But that’s about all we’ll know. We will not know if we, as citizens of the United States, are willing and ready to reach out across political lines, racial lines, class … read more.

The Luckiest Thing

Rev Susan will be preaching on The Luckiest Thing. The choir will be singing along with the great piano accompaniment of Laura Evans


Rev Susan will be preaching on anger. Does it have an appropriate place in civil discourse? In our personal lives? John Rockwell will be our musical guest, along with Amy Rich, as guest soloist.

Celebration Sunday*

Calling All Angels

Sermon offered for Celebration Sunday October 2016

We are living in some interesting times aren’t we?  I hesitate to call them dark, though there is reason for sorrow and anger and disappointment.  But let’s remember that even in the darkest times, flashes and flickerings … read more.

Rev Susan and the Ad-Hoc Committee on Racial Justice will be leading the service, with members and friends sharing their experience with race and racism. Key member of the Cape Ann Big Band, Dana Cohen, trombonist, and our fabulous former Music Director, Jennifer Ober, will … read more.

Peace – Annual Peace Festival After

Rev Susan will be preaching this Sunday, on a theme related to Peace. After a short summer break, our fabulous choir will be in the house! Following the Service, our Annual Peace Festival will be held at Harvey Park.