Speaker: Rev Susan Moran

Can We All Just Get Along?

John Rockwell, guitar and Melinda Kerwin, fiddle, will be our musical guests, and they will be starting earlier than usual. If you arrive before worship begins, you will see what this means! Rev Susan will be preaching about humanity’s seeming inability to accept the “other”. … read more.

Easter Sunday Service

Easter Sunday Service with piano and brass, tulips and rebirth! What more can you hope for? Please bring a friend to our Unitarian Universalist Easter service as our liberal theology is woven into an enduring and traditional story.

Good Friday Service on Loss and Grief

You are cordially invited to attend our annual Good Friday service of music, prayers, story and silence. Laura Evans and Amy Rich will be providing the music; Rev Susan will be leading the candlelit service starting at 7 p.m.

Being Home*

Sermon Offered for New Member Sunday, March 20, 2016

How do houses become homes?  I have been thinking about this question a lot since December, when I moved from a house I had been living in since 1997, to a rental cottage overlooking the sea in … read more.

The Downside of Individuality

We UU’s pride ourselves on being a choosing people; ultimate authority for religious beliefs and values lies with the individual. This is both a liberating and saving grace for many people who were raised in dogmatic and creedal institutions. But is there a downside to … read more.

Bearing Witness

The member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association covenant to affirm and promote seven Principles, the second of which reads: Justice, Equity, and Compassion in Human relations. Rev Susan will be exploring what this means as it relates to the question of “What is enough?” … read more.

Joys of Winter

Rev Susan will be preaching on the Joys of Winter. Dana Cohen, Laura Evans, and Ed Biggs will be our musical guests. RE will be led by George and Alyssa Englis.

Black Lives Matter

Rev Susan will be preaching on why Black Lives Matter is not exclusionary but rather a necessary reckoning with United States history. the choir will be singing with Laura Evans on piano. RE will be led by Lacey Cominsky Dysthe and Kezia Evans.

Time (continued)

The theme of time will be continued, with Rev Susan in the pulpit. At this service, new members of the Board of Trustees will be welcomed and those who are stepping down will be thanked. John Rockwell will be the musical guest. RE will be … read more.