Speaker: Rev Susan Moran
Peace Service – Peace at Any Price
Where Are You?
Water Ceremony
The Balcony Perspective
Life Flows On
Pursuit of Happiness
Down the Yellow Brick Road
Flower Communion Homily 2015
Offered by Rev. Susan A. Moran.
Norbert Capek and his wife, Maja, discovered Unitarianism in this country, and together, they decided to bring Unitarianism back to their homeland, newly independent after World War I. The couple returned to Prague in 1921.
The new Unitarian congregation they formed … read more.
In Praise of Trees
by Rev. Susan A. Moran
The Reading:
Consider the life of trees.
Aside from the axe, what trees acquire from humans is inconsiderable.
What we may acquire from trees is immeasurable.
From their mute forms flows a poise, a silence;
a lovely sound and motion in response … read more.