Flower Communion
Please bring a flower (or two) from your garden and come enjoy the UUSR Choir singing a traditional hymn for this special service. Rev Susan will be preaching about UU theology, and the children will stay in the sanctuary.
Please bring a flower (or two) from your garden and come enjoy the UUSR Choir singing a traditional hymn for this special service. Rev Susan will be preaching about UU theology, and the children will stay in the sanctuary.
Happy Mother’s Day! Not everyone is a mother, but everyone has had one. Please join UUSR members Caroline Haines, Steve Rich, and Rev Susan as they speak on mothers. Headlands will be our musical guest.
Laura Evans will be our musical guest as Rev Susan muses about frugality. It not only saves money, and the natural resources of our planet, but also frees us up for more worthy pursuits.
Rev Susan will be exploring the themes of Passover; Headland will be in the house.
Come celebrate with special music provided by Laura Evans on piano, Dana Cohen on trombone, Ed Biggs on clarinet, and Art Adamson on trumpet, and Rev Susan preaching about resurrection.
Rev Susan will be in the pulpit continuing the theme of the journey. Joining us will be Rockport native, Alek Razdan, a saxophonist and singer, who has been a widely acclaimed musician since his childhood days. He frequently performs with his A-Train Orchestra, “a versatile … read more.
Headlands is our musical guest for the second of three sermons on the journey. This week Rev Susan will be talking about spiritual journeys.
Laura Evans will be in the house to accompany Rev Susan explore the theme of the journey.
Rev Susan will be finishing up the 3 part series on Love. This Sunday, she will be talking about love of place. Laura Evans and the UUSR Choir will be our musical guests. Reminder that there is no YRE class this Sunday but nursery care … read more.
Rev Susan continues to explore the theme of love; this Sunday, she will explore romantic love in honor of Valentine’s Day. The Headlands and Mel Kerwin will be our musical guests.
Youth Religious Education:
Leslie Heffron will share her care and concern for refugee families here on … read more.