Climate Action Committee
Our Mission Statement:
To educate our congregation and community and take action on climate and environmental justice issues.
Committee Responsibilities: Our projects vary each year and for 2023 include planning for, overseeing and fundraising for the installation of solar panels for the church; educating the congregation on local, state and national issues through the Climate Action Bulletin; ringing the church bells in coordination with other churches to call attention to the need to take “11th hour” action on the climate crisis; planning an annual climate justice worship service; and networking with and taking action on local issues through Rockport and Cape Ann climate groups.
Climate Change Is Real! There is no debating that point.
In March 2021, a Climate Action Group was established at UUSR. In January 2023, the Climate Action Group officially became its own committee, no longer a sub-group of the Social Justice committee. We began by talking to other churches who had climate committees such as the Annisquam Village Church’s Creation Care Team and the First Parish UU in Arlington. Then, we met bi-weekly, researching global, national, statewide, and local issues, and joining organizations such as the Rockport Green Community Task Force, Cape Ann Climate Coalition, and UU Mass Action. All are welcome to join us.
IMPORTANT: On March 13, 2022, the UUSR Board of Trustees agreed to support the Rockport Municipal Government Net Zero Energy by 2040 Resolution. Read more about it here.
Our Climate Action Bulletin will be a regular feature in the UUSR E-blast. We hope this helps us all to become educated and to TAKE ACTION!
A new report from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication suggests that there is a gulf between the fear Americans feel about climate change and what they are willing to do to fight it.
We want to provide effective communication that will turn concern into tangible reaction.
Please read the Climate Action Bulletin. Provide us with feedback. Consider joining our Climate Action Committee and, most importantly Take Some Action. When we work together, we can set achievable, meaningful goals and make the change we want to see!